Please read carefully following instructions and information regarding your rights, obligations and behavior as volunteer during Sport2Life programs.
Candidate is obligatory to conduct interview and training in order to become Sport2Life program volunteer.
Volunteer will not be rewarded with any kind of payment for provided volunteer engagement.
Volunteer is obligatory to provide work in terms of expert regulations and etic rules.
During volunteer engagement volunteer accepts full responsibility for his/her behavior.
Volunteer agrees to respect rules and regulations regarding safety and security.
During his/her volunteer engagement, volunteer obliges to wear shirt provided by organizer of volunteering.
Consumption of alcoholic drinks and drugs is strictly forbidden during volunteer engagement.
Organizer is not obligatory to invite all applied candidate to interview.
Your personal data will be used for purpose of processing volunteer applications in sport2Life programs and will not forward to 3rd parties. Your personal data are needed for better selection of candidates.
I agree that my personal data can be used for purpose of volunteer candidate selection. I accept that photos of me as volunteer on any Sport2Life programs can be used for promotional purposes.